

UnityのMono C#コンパラで使用可能なオプションを確認

How To: Set Project-Wide #pragma Directives with JavaScript


Do a 'smcs -help' to get all the options. Compiler bat location: <InstallDir>\Unity\Editor\Data\Mono\bin\smcs.bat

しかし、直接フォルダに移動して smcs -help を実行する事も、もちろん可能です。

自分の環境(Unity 3.5、OSはWindows 7の環境)で実行した所、以下の様な結果になりました。

Mono C# compiler, Copyright 2001 - 2008 Novell, Inc.
mcs [options] source-files
   --about              About the Mono C# compiler
   -addmodule:M1[,Mn]   Adds the module to the generated assembly
   -checked[+|-]        Sets default aritmetic overflow context
   -codepage:ID         Sets code page to the one in ID (number, utf8, reset)
   -clscheck[+|-]       Disables CLS Compliance verifications
   -define:S1[;S2]      Defines one or more conditional symbols (short: -d)
   -debug[+|-], -g      Generate debugging information
   -delaysign[+|-]      Only insert the public key into the assembly (no signing)
   -doc:FILE            Process documentation comments to XML file
   -help                Lists all compiler options (short: -?)
   -keycontainer:NAME   The key pair container used to sign the output assembly
   -keyfile:FILE        The key file used to strongname the ouput assembly
   -langversion:TEXT    Specifies language version: ISO-1, ISO-2, Default, or Future
   -lib:PATH1[,PATHn]   Specifies the location of referenced assemblies
   -main:CLASS          Specifies the class with the Main method (short: -m)
   -noconfig            Disables implicitly referenced assemblies
   -nostdlib[+|-]       Does not reference mscorlib.dll library
   -nowarn:W1[,Wn]      Suppress one or more compiler warnings
   -optimize[+|-]       Enables advanced compiler optimizations (short: -o)
   -out:FILE            Specifies output assembly name
   -platform:ARCH       Specifies the target platform of the output assembly
                        ARCH can be one of: anycpu, x86, x64 or itanium
   -recurse:SPEC        Recursively compiles files according to SPEC pattern
   -reference:A1[,An]   Imports metadata from the specified assembly (short: -r)
   -reference:ALIAS=A   Imports metadata using specified extern alias (short: -r)
   -target:KIND         Specifies the format of the output assembly (short: -t)
                        KIND can be one of: exe, winexe, library, module
   -unsafe[+|-]         Allows to compile code which uses unsafe keyword
   -warnaserror[+|-]    Treats all warnings as errors
   -warnaserror[+|-]:W1[,Wn] Treats one or more compiler warnings as errors
   -warn:0-4            Sets warning level, the default is 4 (short -w:)
   -help2               Shows internal compiler options

   -linkresource:FILE[,ID] Links FILE as a resource (short: -linkres)
   -resource:FILE[,ID]     Embed FILE as a resource (short: -res)
   -win32res:FILE          Specifies Win32 resource file (.res)
   -win32icon:FILE         Use this icon for the output
   @file                   Read response file for more options

Options can be of the form -option or /option

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