

A*の解説が書かれているcocos2d本「Cocos2d for Iphone 1 Game Development Cookbook」


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Cocos2d for Iphone 1 Game Development Cookbook

Cocos2d for Iphone 1 Game Development Cookbook


Chapter 1: Graphics
Chapter 2: User Input
Chapter 3: Files and Data
Chapter 4: Physics
Chapter 5: Scenes and Menus
Chapter 6: Audio
Chapter 7: AI and Logic
Chapter 8: Tips, Tools, and Ports



    Chapter 1: Graphics
        Drawing sprites
        Coloring sprites
        Animating sprites
        Drawing OpenGL primitives
        Playing video files
        Grid, particle, and motion streak effects
        Using Retina Display mode
        1D and 2D Ease Actions
        Rendering and texturing 3D shapes
        Rendering a texture-filled polygon
        Animating a texture-filled polygon
        Swapping palettes using layers
        Swapping palettes using CCTexture2DMutable
        Using AWTextureFilter for blur and font shadows
        Taking and using screenshots
        Using CCParallaxNode
        Lighting using glColorMask

    Chapter 2: User Input
        Tap, hold, and drag input
        Depth testing input
        Creating buttons
        Creating a directional pad
        Creating an analog stick
        Using the accelerometer for steering
        Using the accelerometer for 3D rotation
        Pinch zooming
        Performing gestures

    Chapter 3: Files and Data
        Reading PLIST data files
        Reading JSON data files
        Reading XML data files
        Saving simple data using NSUserDefaults
        Archiving objects into archive files
        Mutating nested metadata
        Saving data into a PLIST file
        Saving data into an SQLite database
        Saving data using Core Data

    Chapter 4: Physics
        Box2D setup and debug drawing
        Creating collision response routines
        Using different shapes
        Dragging and collision filtering
        Manipulating physical properties
        Applying impulses
        Applying forces
        Asynchronous body destruction
        Using joints
        Creating a vehicle
        Character movement
        Simulating bullets
        Simulating and rendering a rope
        Creating a top-down isometric game engine

    Chapter 5: Scenes and Menus
        Switching scenes
        Transitioning between scenes
        Using CCLayerMultiplex
        Using CCLabel
        Using CCMenu
        Creating shadowed menu labels
        UIKit alert dialogs
        Wrapping UIKit
        Creating draggable menu windows
        Creating a horizontal scrollable menu
        Creating a vertical sliding menu grid
        Creating a loading screen with an indicator
        Creating a minimap

    Chapter 6: Audio
        Playing sounds and music
        Modifying audio properties
        Fading sounds and music
        Using audio in a game
        Using positional audio in a game
        Metering background music
        Metering dialogue for animation
        Streaming audio
        Recording audio
        Using the iPod music library
        Creating a MIDI synthesizer
        Speech recognition and text-to-speech

    Chapter 7: AI and Logic
        Processing AI waypoints
        Firing projectiles at moving targets
        AI line of sight
        AI flocking using Boids
        A* pathfinding on a grid
        A* pathfinding in a Box2D world
        A* pathfinding on a TMX tilemap
        A* pathfinding in a side-scroller
        Running a Lua script
        Dynamically loading Lua scripts
        Using Lua for dialogue trees

    Chapter 8: Tips, Tools, and Ports
        Accessing the Cocos2d-iPhone testbed
        Packing textures using Zwoptex
        Creating levels using Tiled
        Creating levels using JSONWorldBuilder
        Creating scenes with CocosBuilder
        Using Cocos2d-X
        Using Cocos3d
        Releasing your app



Cocos2d for iPhone 1 Game Development Cookbook | Packt Publishing Technical & IT Book and eBook Store