

マルチプラットフォーム対応のゲームを作成する時の様々な苦労を軽減してくれるライブラリ「MultiPlatform ToolKit」

Unity の IDE 上でプラットフォームを切り替えが可能。 iPhone / iPad / Android / スタンドアロン / Webplayer などの切り替えをライブラリで追加されるドロップダウンから行えます。


既にマルチプラットフォーム対応のアプリを作った事が有る人で有ればプラットフォーム切り替え時のあの長時間待たされる Asset の変換をしなくて済むという部分だけでも値段分($95)の価値は有ると思う人も多いのでは無いでしょうか?


MultiPlatform ToolKit by Owlchemy Labs


A component that stores all per-platform information and applies it with ease. All stock platforms are supported (iPhone, iPad, Android, Standalone, Webplayer) as well as custom platforms (Demo build, Press-only build) and major aspect ratios (4x3, 16x9, 16x10, and 3x2 for iOS). Also includes a helper tool called EasyPlatform that emulates different platforms within the Unity Editor.

Your asset management command center. Create configurations of asset compressions and apply them whenever needed. Get the granularity that Unity doesn't provide by creating custom asset configurations for all situations. When you want to change texture compression or audio bitrate on hundreds of files at once, this tool makes it painless.

An automated granular build process. Operates as a one-button menu item for building to different platforms. It scans scenes for platform-specific changes and assets and applies them at BUILD TIME to achieve optimal stripping! If you're trying to stay under 20mb for iPhone, you'll appreciate the flexibility of having PlatformSpecifics and BuildProcess working to your advantage.

Also included are a couple of dependencies and usability extras that are needed for this pipeline's operation, such as AspectPerfect - A tool that automates the process of scaling quads to the proper aspect ratio of a texture, making working with sprites very simple... And RenderQueueSorter - A tool that helps avoid sorting issues in 2d games by adding the ability to hand specify render order.

なお、このライブラリ内でビルド処理も行っているのでこのライブラリは Unity Pro のみ対応となっています。その点、ご注意下さい。

Asset Store へのリンク。

MultiPlatform ToolKit by Owlchemy Labs -- Unity Asset Store