

Unityを使ってiPhoneの3Dゲームを作る本「iPhone 3D Game Programming All In One」

3Dゲームの開発ツールとして最近注目されているUnityでiPhone向けに3D Gameを作る方法が解説して有る本です。


Chapter 1: Technical Basics.
Chapter 2: Apple Developer Program.
Chapter 3: Unity Fundamentals.
Chapter 4: Unity User Interface.
Chapter 5: Unity Programming.
Chapter 6: Creating a Game Concept.
Chapter 7: Prototyping That Concept.
Chapter 8: Taking Advantage of the Platform.
Chapter 9: Debugging With Unity Remote.
Chapter 10: Polishing a Prototype.
Chapter 11: Uploading With iTunes Connect.
Chapter 12: User Feedback and Updates. 

(2010/05/29 追記)表紙の画像が変わった様です。

iPhone 3D Game Programming All in One

iPhone 3D Game Programming All in One